Tic Tac Toe Game : Console Based Tic Tac Toe Java Program

We have posted the two version of  Tic Tac Toe game , one is simple graphics you can find the code here

Simple Gui Tic tac toe game 

in version 2  , we have improved the look and feel of the game.

Best Gui Tic Tac Toe Game

Here we are going  to share the  console based Tic Tac Toe game . In this user are promted to choose one of the nine squares in the grid . The grid chosen by the player is then show by the corresponding sign of the player . The first player marks X  and second player marks O  .

In this game , if the user inputs any undesired input then the program prompted  again to write a correct sign or  input.


image for tic tac toe java program

tic tac toe java program

Tic tac toe java program : Code

import java.util.Scanner;

public class TicTacToe
    private int counter;
    private   char posn[]=new char[10];
    private   char player;
    public static void main(String args[])
        String ch;
        TicTacToe Toe=new TicTacToe();
            System.out.println ("Would you like to play again (Enter 'yes')? ");
            Scanner in =new Scanner(System.in);
            System.out.println("ch value is  "+ch);
        }while (ch.equals("yes"));
    public  void newBoard()
        char posndef[] = {'0','1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'};
        int i;
        counter = 0;
        player = 'X';
        for (i=1; i<10; i++) posn[i]=posndef[i];
    public  String currentBoard()
        System.out.println( "\n\n" );
        System.out.println(  "\n\n" );
        System.out.println(  "\n\n\t\t" + posn [1] + "   | " +posn [2]+ "  | " +posn [3]);
        System.out.println(  " \t\t    |    |   " );
        System.out.println(  " \t\t ___|____|___ " );
        System.out.println(  "\n\n\t\t" +posn [4]+ "   | " +posn [5]+ "  | " +posn [6]);
        System.out.println(  " \t\t    |    |   " );
        System.out.println(  " \t\t ___|____|___ " );
        System.out.println(  "\n\n\t\t" +posn [7]+ "   | " +posn [8]+ "  | " +posn [9]);
        System.out.println(  " \t\t    |    |   " );
        System.out.println(  " \t\t    |    |   " );
        System.out.println(  "\n\n" );
        return "currentBoard";
    public  void play()
        int spot;
        char blank = ' ';
        System.out.println(  "Player " + getPlayer() +" will go first and be the letter 'X'" );
        do {
            currentBoard();              // display current board
            System.out.println(  "\n\n Player " + getPlayer() +" choose a posn." );
            boolean posTaken = true;
            while (posTaken) {
                // System.out.println( "position is taken, please enter a valid space");
                Scanner in =new Scanner (System.in);
                posTaken = checkPosn(spot);
            System.out.println(  "Nice move." );
            currentBoard();              // display current board
        }while ( checkWinner() == blank );
    public  char checkWinner()
        char Winner = ' ';
        // Check if X wins
        if (posn[1] == 'X' && posn[2] == 'X' && posn[3] == 'X') Winner = 'X';
        if (posn[4] == 'X' && posn[5] == 'X' && posn[6] == 'X') Winner = 'X';
        if (posn[7] == 'X' && posn[8] == 'X' && posn[9] == 'X') Winner = 'X';
        if (posn[1] == 'X' && posn[4] == 'X' && posn[7] == 'X') Winner = 'X';
        if (posn[2] == 'X' && posn[5] == 'X' && posn[8] == 'X') Winner = 'X';
        if (posn[3] == 'X' && posn[6] == 'X' && posn[9] == 'X') Winner = 'X';
        if (posn[1] == 'X' && posn[5] == 'X' && posn[9] == 'X') Winner = 'X';
        if (posn[3] == 'X' && posn[5] == 'X' && posn[7] == 'X') Winner = 'X';
        if (Winner == 'X' )
        {System.out.println("Player1 wins the game." );
            return Winner;
        // Check if O wins
        if (posn[1] == 'O' && posn[2] == 'O' && posn[3] == 'O') Winner = 'O';
        if (posn[4] == 'O' && posn[5] == 'O' && posn[6] == 'O') Winner = 'O';
        if (posn[7] == 'O' && posn[8] == 'O' && posn[9] == 'O') Winner = 'O';
        if (posn[1] == 'O' && posn[4] == 'O' && posn[7] == 'O') Winner = 'O';
        if (posn[2] == 'O' && posn[5] == 'O' && posn[8] == 'O') Winner = 'O';
        if (posn[3] == 'O' && posn[6] == 'O' && posn[9] == 'O') Winner = 'O';
        if (posn[1] == 'O' && posn[5] == 'O' && posn[9] == 'O') Winner = 'O';
        if (posn[3] == 'O' && posn[5] == 'O' && posn[7] == 'O') Winner = 'O';
        if (Winner == 'O' )
            System.out.println( "Player2 wins the game." );
        return Winner; }
        // check for Tie
        for(int i=1;i<10;i++)
            if(posn[i]=='X' || posn[i]=='O')
                    char Draw='D';
                    System.out.println(" Game is stalemate ");
                    return Draw;
        return Winner;
    public  boolean checkPosn(int spot)
        if (posn[spot] == 'X' || posn[spot] == 'O')
            System.out.println("That posn is already taken, please choose another");
            return true;
        else {
            return false;
        //  counter++;
        //    return false;
    public  void nextPlayer()
        if (player == 'X')
        player = 'O';
        else player = 'X';
    public String getTitle()
        return "Tic Tac Toe" ;
    public  char getPlayer()
        return player;
Tic Tac Toe Game : Console Based Tic Tac Toe Java Program Tic Tac Toe Game : Console Based Tic Tac Toe Java Program Reviewed by Anonymous J on 22:00:00 Rating: 5
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