Create Or Make Simple Tic Tac Toe Swing Based Gui Java Program Source Code
Tic Tac Toe is a fun game to play .Before discussing tic tac toe java code , we should learn about the rules and regulations first.
This game has many variants , but the 3x3 variant is most popular .
This game is played between two players . Tic tac toe java program here is written for applet .The game has simple 3 rows and 3 columns , so make it a 3x3 grid.
Rules of the Game
The player whose turn is first has the choice to mark X or O to one of the nine squares , Here we choose X for first player .
Second player then mark its symbol O in the remaining 8 squares
The thumb of the rule is to make the three successive square grids of the same sign , it does not matter whether they are horizontal , vertical or diagonal , they just need to be three consecutive squares filled with same symbol X or O.
First player who is able to make three consecutive squares with same symbol WINS .
If players press the exit button then the frame closes .
If you are learning java, these are the striking features of the tic tac toe java code :
//get a graphics object
g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
/* Then setStroke method adds thickness to the line. Here you can pass the float value to the
method as an argument to control the thickness of the line */
g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(10.0F));
//It will set the color of the line
g.setColor(new Color(77, 176, 230));
3. Last one we all know
Pseudo code :
1. Board is drawn first using drawLine and drawOval methods .
2. Player X and Player O click the mouse on the empty grid of the board
3. Now Check at each click on the board
3.1 Is there any three vertical grids with same Mark (i.e X or O)
if true
Player with that mark Wins and display message Player 1/ 2 wins the match
3.2 Is there any three horizontal grids with same Mark (i.e X or O)
if true
Player with that mark Wins and display message Player 1/ 2 wins the match
3.3 All grids filled
if true
Display result is stalemate
4. Repeat step 2
5. If Clear then the board is again drawn and ready to play again .
6. If exit then the frame or window exits from the screen .
This is the second post for the Tic tac toe game . You can find first version here
Simple Tic tac toe game in java
In this post we have made numerous changes .
In this we added two functionality clear and exit button to the window . If the players press the clear button then the frame is redrawn to play the game again .
Tic tac toe java code :
This game has many variants , but the 3x3 variant is most popular .
This game is played between two players . Tic tac toe java program here is written for applet .The game has simple 3 rows and 3 columns , so make it a 3x3 grid.
Rules of the Game
The player whose turn is first has the choice to mark X or O to one of the nine squares , Here we choose X for first player .
Second player then mark its symbol O in the remaining 8 squares
The thumb of the rule is to make the three successive square grids of the same sign , it does not matter whether they are horizontal , vertical or diagonal , they just need to be three consecutive squares filled with same symbol X or O.
First player who is able to make three consecutive squares with same symbol WINS .
If players press the exit button then the frame closes .
If you are learning java, these are the striking features of the tic tac toe java code :
- To make the lines thick we have used these two lines in our code
//get a graphics object
g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
/* Then setStroke method adds thickness to the line. Here you can pass the float value to the
method as an argument to control the thickness of the line */
g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(10.0F));
//It will set the color of the line
g.setColor(new Color(77, 176, 230));
- When a user press the exit button the frame closes . It can be achieved by three ways in java
- To set the visibility of frame to false flag
f.setVisible(false); - To use the dispose function
3. Last one we all know
Pseudo code :
1. Board is drawn first using drawLine and drawOval methods .
2. Player X and Player O click the mouse on the empty grid of the board
3. Now Check at each click on the board
3.1 Is there any three vertical grids with same Mark (i.e X or O)
if true
Player with that mark Wins and display message Player 1/ 2 wins the match
3.2 Is there any three horizontal grids with same Mark (i.e X or O)
if true
Player with that mark Wins and display message Player 1/ 2 wins the match
3.3 All grids filled
if true
Display result is stalemate
4. Repeat step 2
5. If Clear then the board is again drawn and ready to play again .
6. If exit then the frame or window exits from the screen .
This is the second post for the Tic tac toe game . You can find first version here
Simple Tic tac toe game in java
In this post we have made numerous changes .
In this we added two functionality clear and exit button to the window . If the players press the clear button then the frame is redrawn to play the game again .
Tic tac toe java code :
import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.BasicStroke; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import java.awt.event.WindowListener; import; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JDialog; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class GameApplet extends Applet implements MouseListener, ActionListener, WindowListener { JFrame f; int flag = 2; int n; int m; int i = 0; static int bug = 0; char[] ch = new char[9]; JButton first; JButton second; String s1 = ""; public GameApplet() { this.f = new JFrame("Tic Tac Toe"); this.first = new JButton("CLEAR"); this.second = new JButton("EXIT"); this.f.add(this.first); this.f.add(this.second); this.f.addWindowListener(this); this.f.getContentPane().setBackground(Color.BLUE); this.f.setLayout(null); this.f.setVisible(true); this.f.setSize(800, 600); this.first.setBounds(650, 50, 90, 60); this.second.setBounds(650, 250, 90, 60); this.f.addMouseListener(this); for (this.i = 0; this.i < 9; this.i += 1)[this.i] = 'B'; this.first.addActionListener(this); this.second.addActionListener(this); String message = "Please click on the frame !!!!! \n \nto start the game \n"; JOptionPane pane = new JOptionPane(message); JDialog dialog = pane.createDialog(new JFrame(), "Dilaog");; Graphics g = this.f.getGraphics(); g.drawLine(200, 0, 200, 600); g.drawLine(400, 0, 400, 600); g.drawLine(0, 200, 600, 200); g.drawLine(0, 400, 600, 400); g.drawLine(600, 0, 600, 600); } public void keyPressed(KeyEvent k) { System.out.print(""); } public void keyTyped(KeyEvent k) { this.s1 += k.getKeyChar(); } public void keyReleased(KeyEvent k) { System.out.print(""); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { if (ae.getSource() == this.first) { this.f.setVisible(false); bug = 0; new GameApplet(); } if (ae.getSource() == this.second) { System.exit(0); } } public void windowClosing(WindowEvent de) { System.exit(0); } public void windowOpened(WindowEvent de) { } public void windowClosed(WindowEvent de) { } public void windowActivated(WindowEvent de) { } public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent de) { } public void windowIconified(WindowEvent de) { } public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent de) { } public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { Graphics2D g2; Graphics g = this.f.getGraphics(); g.drawLine(200, 0, 200, 600); g.drawLine(400, 0, 400, 600); g.drawLine(0, 200, 600, 200); g.drawLine(0, 400, 600, 400); g.drawLine(600, 0, 600, 600); this.flag -= 1; int x = e.getX(); int y = e.getY(); if (this.flag == 1) { if ((x < 200) && (y < 200)) { this.m = 0; this.n = 0;[0] = 'R'; } if ((x > 200) && (x < 400) && (y < 200)) { this.m = 200; this.n = 0;[1] = 'R'; } if ((x > 400) && (x < 600) && (y < 200)) { this.m = 400; this.n = 0;[2] = 'R'; } if ((x < 200) && (y > 200) && (y < 400)) { this.m = 0; this.n = 200;[3] = 'R'; } if ((x > 200) && (x < 400) && (y > 200) && (y < 400)) { this.m = 200; this.n = 200;[4] = 'R'; } if ((x > 400) && (x < 600) && (y > 200) && (y < 400)) { this.m = 400; this.n = 200;[5] = 'R'; } if ((x < 200) && (y > 400) && (y < 600)) { this.m = 0; this.n = 400;[6] = 'R'; } if ((x > 200) && (x < 400) && (y > 400) && (y < 600)) { this.m = 200; this.n = 400;[7] = 'R'; } if ((x > 400) && (x < 600) && (y > 400) && (y < 600)) { this.m = 400; this.n = 400;[8] = 'R'; } g.setColor(new Color(77, 176, 230)); g2 = (Graphics2D)g; g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(10.0F)); g.drawOval(this.m + 10, this.n + 10, 159, 159); } if (this.flag == 0) { if ((x < 200) && (y < 200)) { this.m = 0; this.n = 20;[0] = 'P'; } if ((x > 200) && (x < 400) && (y < 200)) { this.m = 200; this.n = 20;[1] = 'P'; } if ((x > 400) && (x < 600) && (y < 200)) { this.m = 400; this.n = 20;[2] = 'P'; } if ((x < 200) && (y > 200) && (y < 400)) { this.m = 0; this.n = 200;[3] = 'P'; } if ((x > 200) && (x < 400) && (y > 200) && (y < 400)) { this.m = 200; this.n = 200;[4] = 'P'; } if ((x > 400) && (x < 600) && (y > 200) && (y < 400)) { this.m = 400; this.n = 200;[5] = 'P'; } if ((x < 200) && (y > 400) && (y < 600)) { this.m = 0; this.n = 400;[6] = 'P'; } if ((x > 200) && (x < 400) && (y > 400) && (y < 600)) { this.m = 200; this.n = 400;[7] = 'P'; } if ((x > 400) && (x < 600) && (y > 400) && (y < 600)) { this.m = 400; this.n = 400;[8] = 'P'; } g2 = (Graphics2D)g; g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(10.0F)); g.setColor(new Color(77, 176, 230)); g.drawLine(this.m + 10, this.n + 13, this.m + 169, this.n + 164); g.drawLine(this.m + 169, this.n + 10, this.m + 10, this.n + 169); this.flag += 2; } for (this.i = 0; this.i < 3; this.i += 1) { if (([this.i] != 'B') && ([(this.i + 3)] ==[this.i]) && ([(this.i + 6)] ==[this.i])) { new Board().win(); bug = 1; } } for (this.i = 0; this.i < 7; this.i += 1) { if ([this.i] != 'B') { if (([this.i] ==[(this.i + 1)]) && ([this.i] ==[(this.i + 2)])) { new Board().win(); bug = 1; } this.i += 2; } else { this.i += 2; } } if (([4] != 'B') && (( (([0] ==[4]) && ([4] ==[8])) || (([2] ==[4]) && ([4] ==[6]))))) { new Board().win(); bug = 1; } for (this.i = 0; (this.i < 9) && ([this.i] != 'B'); this.i += 1) { if (this.i == 8) { if (bug == 0) new Board().draw(); bug = 0; } } } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { System.out.print(""); } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { System.out.print(""); } public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { System.out.print(""); } public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { System.out.print(""); } public static void main(String[] args) { new GameApplet(); } } import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import java.awt.event.WindowListener; import javax.swing.JDialog; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; class Board implements WindowListener { public void win() { String message = "Congratulations !!!!! \n \nYou win \n"; JOptionPane pane = new JOptionPane(message); JDialog dialog = pane.createDialog(new JFrame(), "Dilaog");; } public void draw() { String message = "Players the result is !!!!! \n \nSTALEMATE \n"; JOptionPane pane = new JOptionPane(message); JDialog dialog = pane.createDialog(new JFrame(), "Dilaog");; } public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we) { System.exit(0); } public void windowOpened(WindowEvent we) { } public void windowClosed(WindowEvent we) { } public void windowActivated(WindowEvent we) { } public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent we) { } public void windowIconified(WindowEvent we) { } public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent we) { } }
Please mention in the comments in case you have any doubts regarding tic tac toe java code.
Create Or Make Simple Tic Tac Toe Swing Based Gui Java Program Source Code
Reviewed by Anonymous J
