Snakes And Ladder Game

his program will simulate a regular snakes and ladders game, where you will be  facing the computer. You and the computer start at square 1, and the first one to square 100 wins, however, there will be preset squares which will be the snakes or ladders. 

Once you land on top of a snake you go down a few squares, and move up if you land  on the bottom of a ladder.snake computer game
coding a game in java
Pseudo code is this game development in java
programming a game in java
Print rules of the game
Makes the board for the player
Prompt user to start the game
If (input==’y’)
Then startGame
Leave command prompt

If startGame

Set starting position for user and computer to 1

User throws the dice then computer throws the dice one after other

Prints the final position after each dice throw for the user as well as computer repeatedly
Snakes And Ladder Game
If user reaches the ladder or snake bitten then reflect the final position after such propositions both
for user and computerplay free snake game

Whoever first reaches the 100 , will win the game , with n predefined attempts

If no one wins with in predefined attempts then prompt user to play the game again or not

Repeat step 1

Good Luck and Have FUN!!!

Read Also : Simple Guess Number Game
Code is here :

snake multiplayer
import*; // used to allow user to input data

public class Snakes_and_Ladders
{// start class
    //Main Method
    public static void main (String [] args) throws IOException
    {// start main method
        //Welcoming Screen
        BufferedReader myInput2 = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (;
        // Print the welcome screen and instructions
        System.out.println ("\t\t\t\t\t\tWelcome To Snakes And Ladders\n\n");
        System.out.println ("\t\t\t\t\t\t\tInstructions:");
        System.out.println ("\t\t\t This program will simulate a regular snakes and ladders game, where you will be");
        System.out.println ("\t\t\t facing the computer. You and the computer start at square 1, and the first one to");
        System.out.println ("\t\t\t square 100 wins, however, there will be preset squares which will be the snakes or ladders.");
        System.out.println ("\t\t\t Once you land on top of a snake you go down a few squares, and move up if you land");
        System.out.println ("\t\t\t\t\t\t on the bottom of a ladder. Good Luck and Have FUN!!!");
        int counter= 100,iteration=-1; // sets the counter and iteration vaiables to be used in making the board
        System.out.println ("-----------------------------------------------------Game Board-----------------------------------------------------------------------------");
        This while loop makes the board for the player to visualize what the
        game looks like, it uses a counter to increment or decrement by 1.
        It will also subtract by 9 or 10 when necessary to create a board
        exactly like the one given.
        while (counter > 0){// start while
            if (counter%10 == 0 && counter != 100){// checks if the counter is at a 90, or 80...
                    // subtract 9 from the counter
                    // and sets it to start adding by one
                    iteration=-1; // set the counter to start subtract by ones
                System.out.print("\n" + counter + "\t"); // just prints out the counter with a line breck
            System.out.print(counter + "\t"); // just prints out the counter
            counter+=iteration; // sets counter to add by iteration
        }// end while
        System.out.println ("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
        String sGame = "y"; // decare variable used to ask user if he wants to play
        System.out.print ("Do you want to play? Y or N     >  "); // ask user if we wants to play the game
        sGame = myInput2.readLine (); // reads the user's input into the variable sGame
        System.out.print ("\n\n\n\n\n\n");
        // While the user says yes, go to startGame method
        // startGame is fuction type method, which start the game
        while (sGame.equals ("y") || sGame.equals ("Y"))
            sGame = startGame(sGame); // give startGame a variable to work with
        System.out.println ("\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSEE YA!!");
    } //end main method
    //-------------------------------------------------------------------startGame Method------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    startGame method:
    This method is responsible for organizing the game, asking the user to continue playing,
    and setting the important varibales. It will also return a vaule to the main method, which
    will reset the game so the user can play again.
    public static String startGame (String start) throws IOException // Recieves data from the main method
    {// start startGame method
        BufferedReader myInput = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (;
        // sets important variables for the game
        // NOTE: These variables will change as the game progresses
        int userPosition = 1; // sets the default loaction for user's piece to 1
        int compPosition = 1; // sets the default loaction for computer's piece to 1
        int diceRoll = 0; // creates the first die
        int diceRoll2 = 0; // creates the second die
        int userRoll = 1; // declares what the user rolled
        int compRoll = 1; // declares what the computer rolled
        String playAgain = "y"; // sets the play again variable
        // declare all the snakes and ladders in a array
        int snakesLaddersArray [] = new int [6]; // create a 6 element array
        // store the snakes and ladders location in the array
        snakesLaddersArray [0] = 54;
        snakesLaddersArray [1] = 90;
        snakesLaddersArray [2] = 99;
        snakesLaddersArray [3] = 9;
        snakesLaddersArray [4] = 40;
        snakesLaddersArray [5] = 67;
        while (playAgain.equals ("y") || playAgain.equals ("Y")) // loops while the playAgaim vaiable equals "y" or "Y".
        {// start playAgain While
            // gets the dice roll for user and computer
            userRoll =  getDice(diceRoll, diceRoll2); // sends data to a function type method called getDice
            compRoll =  getDice(diceRoll, diceRoll2); // does the same for the computer
            System.out.println ("\t\t\t\t\t------------------------------------------");
            System.out.println ("\t\t\t\t\t|\tYou Rolled a " + userRoll + "\t\t|"); // print the roll the user got
            System.out.println ("\t\t\t\t\t|\tThe Computer Rolled a " + compRoll + "\t|"); // print the roll the computer got
            System.out.println ("\t\t\t\t\t------------------------------------------");
            // hold the user's last position for switching back if current position was greater than 100
            userPosition = userPosition + userRoll;
            // hold the computer's last position for switching back if current position was greater than 100
            compPosition = compPosition + compRoll;
            // check to see if user landed on top of a snake or at the bottom of a ladder
            // give getP parameters to work with, and recieve a final value which can be printed out
            userPosition = getP(userPosition, userRoll, snakesLaddersArray);
            // The same goes for compPosition, however compgetP gets an additional
            // parameter (userPosition) to check if user has already won
            compPosition = compgetP(compPosition, compRoll, snakesLaddersArray, userPosition);
            System.out.println ("\t\t\t*\t\tYou are currently on square " + userPosition + "\t\t\t*"); // print out the user's current location
            System.out.println ("\t\t\t*\t\tThe Computer is currently on square " + compPosition + "\t\t*"); // print out the computer's current location
            // resets the position values, if the user or the computer won
            // so that the user could play the entire game again if he/she wanted to
            if (userPosition == 100 || compPosition == 100)
                userPosition = 1;
                compPosition = 1;
                // asks the user if we wants to play again
                System.out.print ("Do you want to play? Y or N     >  ");
                playAgain = myInput.readLine ();
                System.out.print ("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n");
                // asks the user if we wants to continue playing
                System.out.print ("Do you want to play? Y or N     >  ");
                playAgain = myInput.readLine ();
        }// end playAgain While
        return playAgain; // returns prameter "playAgain" to main: if the user wants to play the game again
    }// end startGame method
    //-------------------------------------------------------------------geDice Method------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    getDice method:
    This method generates two random numbers bewteen 1 and 6, then
    adds them to get a final roll. Next it returns the value to be
    diplayed on the screen.
    public static int getDice (int diceRoll, int diceRoll2)
    {// start getDies class
        diceRoll = (int)(Math.random()*6 )+1 ; //creates dice roll number 1
        diceRoll2 = (int)(Math.random()*6 )+1 ; //creates dice roll number 2
        int move = diceRoll + diceRoll2; // adds the two dice rolls to get a final move
        return move; // return parameter move: this will give the final dice roll back to startGame
    }// end getDice class
    //-------------------------------------------------------------------getP Method------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    getP method:
    This method is responsible for checking if the USER is on
    top of a snake, or at the bottom of a ladder, and then
    adjusting the user's position to mathch the snake or
    ladders value.
    public static int getP (int userPosition, int userRoll, int snakesLaddersArray []) throws IOException // recieves two parameter from startGame
    {// start getP
        if(userPosition == snakesLaddersArray[0]) //if position equals snake 1
            userPosition = 19; // set new position
            System.out.println ("\t\t\t\t~~~~~~~~~~~~~You Got Bit By A Snake, GO DOWN!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~");
        else if (userPosition == snakesLaddersArray[1]) //if position equals snake 2
            userPosition = 48; // set new position
            System.out.println ("\t\t\t\t~~~~~~~~~~~~~You Got Bit By A Snake, GO DOWN!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~");
        else if (userPosition == snakesLaddersArray[2]) //if position equals snake 3
            userPosition = 77; // set new position
            System.out.println ("\t\t\t\t~~~~~~~~~~~~~You Got Bit By A Snake, GO DOWN!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~");
        else if (userPosition == snakesLaddersArray[3]) //if position equals ladder 1
            userPosition = 34; // set new position
            System.out.println ("\t\t\t\t~~~~~~~~~~~~~You Got A Ladder!! GO UP!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~");
        else if (userPosition == snakesLaddersArray[4]) //if position equals ladder 2
            userPosition = 64; // set new position
            System.out.println ("\t\t\t\t~~~~~~~~~~~~~You Got A Ladder!! GO UP!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~");
        else if (userPosition == snakesLaddersArray[5]) //if position equals ladder 3
            userPosition = 86; // set new position
            System.out.println ("\t\t\t\t~~~~~~~~~~~~~You Got A Ladder!! GO UP!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~");
        if (userPosition < 0 || userPosition > 112) // This is ab ERROR TRAP to catch any unwanted system errors that may occur by chance
            System.out.println ("An error has occured please reset the game!!!!!!");
        else if (userPosition > 100) // checks if user's location if greater then a 100
            userPosition = userPosition - userRoll; // subtract userRoll from the userposition to get back old position
            System.out.println ("OHHH You cant jump, you must land on a 100"); // print out the users current location
        else if (userPosition == 100)
            System.out.println ("YOU WON, GOOD JOB!!!"); // print out that the user won
        return userPosition; // return the final position to starGame: this position had gone through all checks and test and can be displayed on screen
    }// end getP
    //-------------------------------------------------------------------compgetP Method------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    compgetP method:
    This method is responsible for checking if the COMPUTER is on
    top of a snake, or at the bottom of a ladder, and then
    adjusting the compuer's position to mathch the snakes or
    ladders value.
    public static int compgetP (int compPosition, int compRoll, int snakesLaddersArray [], int userPosition) throws IOException
    {// start compgetP
        // NOTE: this method is similar to getP, so the comments are the same for both!!
        // Look at getP's commments if you need help
        if(compPosition == snakesLaddersArray[0])
            compPosition = 19;
            System.out.println ("\t\t\t\t~~~~~~~~~~~~~Computer Got Bit By A Snake, HE WENT GO DOWN!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~");
        else if (compPosition == snakesLaddersArray[1])
            compPosition = 48;
            System.out.println ("\t\t\t\t~~~~~~~~~~~~~Computer Got Bit By A Snake, HE WENT GO DOWN!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~");
        else if (compPosition == snakesLaddersArray[2])
            compPosition = 77;
            System.out.println ("\t\t\t\t~~~~~~~~~~~~~Computer Got Bit By A Snake, HE WENT GO DOWN!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~");
        else if (compPosition == snakesLaddersArray[3])
            compPosition = 34;
            System.out.println ("Computer Got TO A Ladder, HE WENT UP!!!");
        else if (compPosition == snakesLaddersArray[4])
            compPosition = 64;
            System.out.println ("Computer Got TO A Ladder, HE WENT UP!!!");
        else if (compPosition == snakesLaddersArray[5])
            compPosition = 86;
            System.out.println ("Computer Got TO A Ladder, HE WENT UP!!!");
        if (compPosition < 0 || compPosition > 112) //  ERROR TRAP to catch any unwanted system errors that may occur by chance
            System.out.println ("An error has occured for the computer, please reset the game!!!!!!");
        else if (compPosition > 100) // checks if computers's location if greater then a 100
            compPosition = compPosition - compRoll; // get old position
            System.out.println ("THE COMPUTER CAN'T JUMP!!! He must land on a 100"); // give message that the computer cant jump
        else if (compPosition == 100 && userPosition != 100)
            System.out.println ("THE COMPUTER WON, YOU FAILED!!!"); // print out that the computer won
        return compPosition; // return the final position to starGame: this position had gone through all checks and test and can be displayed on screen
    } // end compgetPy
}//end class
Snakes And Ladder Game Snakes And Ladder Game Reviewed by Anonymous J on 06:45:00 Rating: 5
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